

  1. 网易公开课 (NetEase Open Courses)

  2. Website: open.163.com

  3. 汇集了来自清华、北大、哈佛、耶鲁等世界名校的上千门课程。课程涵盖了科学、经济、人文、哲学等22个领域,例如牛津大学的《康德的纯粹理性批判》、耶鲁大学的《欧洲文明》等

  4. 中国大学MOOC (Chinese University MOOC)

  5. Website: www.icourse163.org

  6. 这是一个中文MOOC学习平台,由高教社和网易联手打造,提供来自国内知名高校的优质课程,并提供认证。这个平台涵盖了985高校提供的千余门课程

  7. 国图公开课 (National Library of China Open Courses)

  8. Website: http://open.nlc.cn/

  9. 国图公开课依托国家图书馆宏富的馆藏资源,以服务国家战略、传播中华优秀传统文化、提高公众文化生活品质为主线。一方面整合多种文献资源,并结合公开课自身的特点进行改造,以“互联网+”的形式重新展现给读者。同时,结合最新热点和读者需求,为读者提供O2O的体验方式和全流程的学习方式。

  10. edX

  11. Website: www.edx.org

  12. 由哈佛大学和麻省理工学院共同创立的非营利网络教育项目,提供来自世界顶尖高校和组织的大规模在线公开课。课程主题包括数据结构(清华大学)、流行病学(香港大学)、公正(哈佛大学)等。


  1. MIT OpenCourseWare (OCW)

    • Website: ocw.mit.edu

    • About: Offers a vast range of courses from MIT, covering topics from engineering and technology to science, humanities, and social sciences.

  2. Harvard Online Learning

    • Website: online-learning.harvard.edu

    • About: Provides access to Harvard's online courses, learning content, and modules across a broad range of subjects.

  3. Yale Open Courses

    • Website: oyc.yale.edu

    • About: Offers free and open access to a selection of introductory courses taught by distinguished teachers and scholars at Yale University.

  4. Stanford Online

    • Website: online.stanford.edu

    • About: Stanford's platform for online learning, offering courses, advanced degrees, and executive education.

  5. UC Berkeley OpenCourseWare

    • Website: ocw.berkeley.edu

    • About: Features a selection of UC Berkeley's most popular courses as free online courses.

  6. Carnegie Mellon Open Learning Initiative

    • Website: oli.cmu.edu

    • About: Offers online courses to learners worldwide, emphasizing high-quality courses and interactive learning.

  7. Open University's OpenLearn

    • Website: open.edu/openlearn

    • About: Provides free educational resources and courses in a variety of subjects, from the UK's Open University.

  8. edX

    • Website: www.edx.org

    • About: A leading MOOC provider hosting university-level courses in a wide range of disciplines from many institutions worldwide, including Harvard and MIT.

  9. Coursera

    • Website: www.coursera.org

    • About: Offers courses, specializations, and degrees from universities and institutions worldwide.

  10. Khan Academy

    • Website: www.khanacademy.org

    • About: Non-profit educational organization providing free courses in math, science, computer programming, history, art history, economics, and more.

  11. FutureLearn

    • Website: www.futurelearn.com

    • About: Offers a diverse selection of courses from leading universities and cultural institutions from around the world.